Other Sales Competitions

University sales competitions provide opportunities for professional sales students to showcase their talents while networking with fellow students and potential employers. Some competitions focus on regional attendance, while many others have become international in nature, attracting students all over the world. University professional sales students recognize these events are opportunities to refine their classroom skills in highly competitive environments. 

These events vary in format, from role-play, team selling and speed selling to “elevator pitch” exercises. Sales competitions are the premier venue for top sales organizations to meet the future generation of sales professionals and see them in action. Top sales organizations send representatives to serve as judges, prospects or buyers. In addition to the actual competition, many of the events also include corporate mixers, career fairs and networking events. 

In addition to competing in FSU’s Seminole Sales Showcase, International Collegiate Sales Competition and the Intercollegiate Insurance Sales Challenge, FSU’s professional sales majors also have the opportunity to compete in other national sales competitions, such as: 

Florida International University Bilingual Competition 

The FIU College of Business’ Global Bilingual Sales Competition (GBSC) is the only sales competition of its kind in the world, bringing student competitors from across the globe to compete in both English and Spanish. The vision of the FIU-GBSC is that it serves as a venue for Spanish-English bilingual students and educators in developing a global salesforce. The event is open to national and international universities with students speaking both English and Spanish. 

Kennesaw State National Collegiate Sales Competition 

The National Collegiate Sales Competition is the longest-running university sales role-play competition in existence with participants coming from the most elite sales programs from around the world. 

Nicholls State University Bayou Sales Challenge 

The annual Bayou Sales Challenge is an opportunity for students interested in pursuing a sales career to showcase their professional selling skills. It is the region’s largest, most competitive sales competition. Students compete both individually and as a team in high-pressure sales simulations. 

Salisbury National Shore Sales Challenge 

The Mid-Atlantic Sales and Marketing Institute (MASMI) at Salisbury University invites universities to send their top two sales students to compete in the National Shore Sales Challenge. Student competitors from universities across the country compete in a role-play and speed-selling competition in this two-day event on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. 

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Great Northwoods Sales Warm-Up

The Sales Warm-Up is a highly personal sales competition for college students interested in sales as a profession. Students have many opportunities throughout the Sales Warm-Up to meet sponsors and learn about career opportunities at their companies.